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Preparing for Rhinoplasty

  • 20 Nisan 2022, 11:25

Preparing for Rhinoplasty

Your surgeon will perform a physical exam, looking closely at the skin on the inside and outside of your nose to determine what kind of changes can be made. Your surgeon might order blood tests or other lab tests.

Your surgeon will also consider whether any additional surgery should be done at the same time. For example, some people also get a chin augmentation, a procedure to better define your chin, at the same time as rhinoplasty.

This consultation also includes photographing your nose from various angles. These shots will be used for assessing the long-term results of surgery and may be referred to during the surgery.

Make sure you understand the costs of your surgery. If your rhinoplasty is for cosmetic reasons, it’s much less likely to be covered by insurance.

You should avoid painkillers containing ibuprofen or aspirin for two weeks before and two weeks after your surgery. These medications slow down the blood-clotting process and can make you bleed more. Let your surgeon know what medications and supplements you’re taking, so they can advise you about whether or not to continue them.

Smokers have more difficulty healing from rhinoplasty, as cigarettes slow the recovery process. Nicotine constricts your blood vessels, resulting in less oxygen and blood getting to healing tissues. Quitting smoking before and after surgery can help the healing process.